When I was growing up I wanted to become a veterinarian. Well, that was changed when I found out that going to school to become a vet required me to dissect animals. Not for me. I would have started crying even before they brought the animal out. And one time while at a vet visit with our dog, the door was open enough for me to see this dog lying on the table, on his back, with tubs sticking out. That did it. One thing was missing, and that was someone to tell me that I didn't necessarily have to be a veterinarian. I could have been an assistant or have picked another job that didn't require such uncomfortable situations. I could have exposed myself in some form of the field and maybe could have eased myself into the bigger picture - becoming a vet.
For the years following I was half content with visiting every zoo I could get to and feeding every animal that was in need, as they crossed my path. The point I want to make to parents is, if your child has a passion for something, but also has a similar problem as I had with fears, then they need to be exposed early on to what they would like to do. It could be something as simple as an informational conversation with someone in that field. You could set up a fun research project with your child on the computer or go to the library to gather information, look at video clips or movies dealing with the particular field. This could help them combat their fears. By doing the research it also broadens the field giving you a list of alternative jobs. We live in such a wonderful informational world that the help we need to get where we want to go is out there.
Where there is a will there is a way. Why do I say that? As for me, after realizing that my passion for animals had not changed, I had a burning desire to find an alternative way to be involved with animals. I did try volunteering at a shelter and that didn't work for me. The first dog training I had, I walked the dog and looked at that face and said, "No I can't do this." I need to be somewhere that the chance of me bringing something home is slim. What was my alternative? Volunteering at a zoo. I always had my ears open to hear about how people were involved with animals and how I could maybe get involved.
Now I volunteer as a docent - 'volunteer educator' at the Essex County Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ. It's like a dream come true. My love for animals did not land me a job in that field, but because of my boundless enthusiasm I didn't stop trying until I was involved in something I could enjoy that included animals.
On a personal note, I would like to ask you: Have you found your passion? Have you tried to volunteer in some form that includes your passion? If you are not involved in your passion, have you researched ways to be involved with your passion in some form? What stops you from going forward with your research results? If you haven't found your passion, then start with what gets you excited.
For me I had to dig back into my childhood to recognize what my true passions were. I want to put that out as a suggestion if you haven't found your true passion. It's worth the search and the journey. Then research to find ways to do it, even if it is volunteering.
I finished my baby blanket and I went to the baby shower on Sunday. She received some beautiful gifts. It was suggested that a book be given instead of a card. I thought that was a great idea since you can purchase books at the same price of a card and a library could be started right away. There were only two handmade items, mine and a blanket made by one of the grandmothers. This project is finished, now onto the next one.
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