How else can we bring out our creativity? What do you do with your scrap yarns? When I hear that people are throwing away little balls of yarn, I want to scream - NO WAIT! We need to bring out, release more of our creative juices and skills to take those small balls of yarn and make a masterpiece. We might not like stripes, but what about that senior at the nursing home that would love and appreciate a lap blanket in stripes. This would also be a great time to learn a new stitch. Baby items are small and don't require a lot of yarn. With your small balls of baby yarn you could add a small trim to the bottom and sleeves of a baby sweater or just top off a plain colored garment accenting it with one or two rows of extra color. And don't forget the preemie babies that would love a stripe blanket to keep them warm and comfortable. To give is divine. Also, there are senior places that would embrace those small balls of yarn for their knit or crochet projects.
It is so rewarding and best of all you are not wasting anything or putting it in the land fill. Someone could use your wonderful creation. And if you don't want to do it alone then get a few of your friends together and do a knit-along for charity. It's fun and you could help your fellow crafters to use up their scraps of yarn. With several in the room this could also mean more brains working and in turn more creativity juices flowing. Can't you just see it?
Don't get stuck in the full-skein syndrome. For this year coming keep forcing yourself out of the box. Think mixing colors in crochet granny squares or striped knit squares in a simple garter stitch. They could also be single colored squares that can be sewn or crocheted together to make a blanket.
3) crochet shell stitch; 4) crochet V-stitch; 5) single crochet. I knitted a couple of rows in seed stitch with ribbon yarn leaving enough at the beginning and at the end to tie a bow.
Getting back to those small balls of yarn, I could have for example made each stitch section with a different color. I have to keep that in mind for my next basket. This would look great on one of those organized shelves you did (if you followed my postings on organizing your craft).
Clay P. Bedford
Chisarai (Stay well)
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