I didn't leave too early on Saturday - 7:00am. I had two knitting buddies accompany me and I drove. One woman was from the Monday knitting group and the other was from the Tuesday knitting group that I attend. We had a blast of a time the whole day. We got to know each other better and we shared tid bits throughout the day about knitting and on other topics.
The festival was great. What was so nice is that I wore my poncho and I got complements on how it looked and fit on me. And I was complementing people on their garments. This happened all day. It was like an ongoing fashion show and we were the models. The talent and creativity just was evident. And it showed how much fun people are having doing their needlearts as they showed off their wears. One person that I had complemented her on her poncho said to me that she was just admiring mine. So our eyes were constantly peering through the crowd trying to see all those finished projects.
There was the competition of the sheep which we only had a few minutes to see because we had more shopping to do. I was glad that I drove because we took the whole day to take our time, but time still went fast and the Rhineback festival is bigger then Maryland so we had more ground to cover.
They had music, food (we stopped for a quick bite because we had more looking to do), and even a place for kids to play. There was one whole building that housed cooking demonstrations, wine tasting, cheese sampling (I did buy some cheese - yummy), and the garments for the knit/crochet competition. Beautiful garments that people made. I love, love the shawls especially. It was a smaller exhibit then Maryland but it was still very nice. I like to see the patterns done up in different yarn weights to see how it would look. There was also a display of photography which I love. One picture captured me of a baby alpaca being fed with a baby bottle. How adorable is that.
It was so funny that even though I was having such a blast, I was on edge. Why? Visiting all the vendors, seeing their samples, the designers patterns and kits they were selling just got me all excited. All I could think about was getting home to knit. It was this crazy overwhelming feeling that continued all day. The more I saw the more anxious and excited I felt to get back to my own projects or start something new.
I could really see with both the Maryland festival and the Rhineback festival that it took a lot of planning, preparation, volunteering, and money to pull this off. I say hurray and shout out a big thank you to all those that were involved with such an undertaking and for making us so happy for that day.
All that talk about me wanting to get home to knit just went out the window once I got home. I was so tired, but felt so satisfied from the day. I think I knitted about two rows of my hat and I fell asleep and boy did I sleep well. I bet you I was dreaming about balls of yarn and needles in hand. And if I couldn't sleep because I was wound up I could have literally counted the sheep, goats, rabbits, llamas and alpacas as I recap my wonderful day at the Rhineback's Sheep and Wool festival and that would have lulled me right to sleep. But I didn't have to do that.
If you were there I hope you had as much fun as I did? Enjoy your new finds from the festival. My new finds are calling out to me - make me, make me. But I must resist the temptation of starting something new.
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