Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Gallery of Talent Corner

The gallery of talent corner is made up of the needle arts. I am talking about knitting, crocheting, beading, and embroidery to name a few.

Because I am teaching and I belong to the knitting/crochet group that I started at the South Plainfield Library and other groups I attend, I come across a lot of people and their projects. I was thinking that it is not just about my projects, but others that cross my path. They also have wonderful projects that they have made and I think should be displayed. So there will be future posts that I will feature the talents of others that are a part of the needle art world. No we are not famous for anything. No we have not written books and I am not one of those top teachers, but we are everyday people like you who love their hobby and enjoy what they make. I would love to spread our joy out to you.

Let's take Thursday group first. Everyone that is a part of the group on Thursday can do both knit and crochet. It is a small group but consistent in meeting every week. It is made up of experienced and more recent knitters and crocheters. No matter what the level we all have fun. We just completed our first blanket for charity that is made up of knit and crochet squares. This kind of project gives everyone the opportunity to make squares using stitches that they would not normally use or new stitches to learn. It was a fun project and everyone felt proud as you can see in the picture of the finished product. Our aim is to give the blanket to the Project Linus charity organization.

It is always rewarding to give back, but when you do it in a group effort it expands the purpose and you just want to do more. So everyone has agreed that we will continue to give. Our next project will be lap blankets for a nursing home. We will each do a separate one in a pattern and color of our choice. The lap blanket size will be approximately 36" x 40". This will be done throughout the summer so that the blankets will be ready by fall. It is not limited to just one per person to make, so there might be ones that will complete two. But we have agreed that each person would at least do one.

Maybe you belong to a group or maybe just yourself would like to make a lap blanket or two and give it to a nursing home. Join us in our continuous quest to give back. I'll keep you up on our progress.

"Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give."

Barbara Bush

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