Well another successful event has passed. Over 3,000 people came through the doors to shop at the Market Place, take classes, watch the fashion shows and take advantage of hob knobbing with other needle artists. The weather held up for us which was great. Saturday was better than Sunday. The wind was brutal on Sunday. The event was held at the Hilton Hotel and I walked from 42nd Street and 8th Avenue from the bus station to 52nd Street and 6th Avenue and my face was cold. But no snow and that was great.
As with any event they get better and better in time. This is only Vogue's second event and it went smoother than last year. In fact too smooth for me because last year as a volunteer I was running around here there and everywhere and I liked that. I had more time this year to walk around the Market Place and see the fashion shows which was nice also.
This year I helped pack things up from the Market Place at day end on Sunday. We were running around and I enjoyed that. Ok call me crazy but it was fun to me. It was also sad to see all of the vendors packing up since the Market Place was not open on Monday. Classes were held all day focused on learning hopefully something new or improving on what you have some knowledge about.
There were a couple of new additions to this event. One was a yarn tasting section. Yes, you could go from table to table and there were balls of yarn from the different vendors and you could try them out to see if you liked working with them. I know that was one feature I liked when I went to the Lion Brand store in New York. They had a section against the wall when you came in where you could try their different yarns to get a taste and feel of how it would be to work with them. I think it is great because there is nothing worse (well there might be a few worse things) to buy yarn and start a project and say I don't like working with this yarn. So that was a great feature. And the yarn balls were in pottery bowls that if you wanted to purchase any of them the business information was on the bottom of each bowl. There were some beautiful pottery bowls. The other addition was more fashion shows, 12 in fact for the two days. What an array of new patterns to choose from. The ones I got to see were packed with excited people that were anxious to see what the designers came out with this year. It was an inspiration to want to knit more, learn more and to be able to do some of those more intricate designs.
People always think that there is nothing for the novice knitter in the VogueKnitting magazine. Well Vogue does from time to time have easier patterns and they showed a couple on the runway. So don't scratch off the VogueKnittng magazine all together if you are a beginner knitter. Look at it as a future endeavor and something to work towards. Look at the magazine and pick out a couple of patterns that you would like to work towards making. Put them on your bucket list.
I had fun and of course I always enjoy meeting other volunteers as we
If you got to attend then I hope you enjoyed yourself either taking a class, shopping at the market place, or just watching fashion all around you to inspire you to enjoy your needleart even more.