Sunday, June 17, 2012

Squares For This Week

Well I only have two squares for this week. Hold off on Square 58 and I will have to do my fixing of the pattern. But we are sliding into home base with only three more squares to go. I hope to meet by the middle of July to be able to at least show you how to seam the blanket together. Again, it doesn't matter if you are not finished by then as long as you have two squares that you could seam to get the feel of how it is done. We don't even want to mention that word that starts with a "W" - you give up guessing? Of course I am talking about WINTER! So you have several months before that happens and you can contiue to work on your squares as you seam the ones that are completed. So here is Square 59 and 60. Have fun.

(Square 59) Staggered Interrupted Rib

Co 24

K 3 rows

Row 1: k5, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k5

Row 2: k3, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k3

Rows 3 & 4: k across row

Row 5: k3, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k3

Row 6: k5, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k5

Rows 7 & 8: k across row

Repeat Rows 1 – 8 for pattern to 5 ½”

K 3 rows

Bind off, weave in ends

(Square 60) Little Fountain Pattern

Co 23

K 3 rows

Row 1: k4, *yo, k3, yo, k1, rep from * to last four sts, k3

Row 2: k 3, p across to last three sts, k3

Row 3: k5, sl1, k2tog, psso, *k3, sl 1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to last six sts, 5

Row 4: k3, p across to last three sts, k3

Rep these 4 rows to 5 ½” (note: Be careful of your measuring. Check measurement after the 8th repeat of Rows 1 – 4. You should be at the point that by repeating Row 1 once more you will be at 5 ½”. Knit the next 3 rows starting on the wrong side to balance the design)

Bind off, weave in ends

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl,
    Please review rows 1 and 3.
    R1 says rep from * to last 4 sts, k3 should it not say rep from * to last 3 sts, k3.
    Same with R3 - says to last six sts, 5 i/o last 5 sts, 5.
